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2020-10--letter writing templates manual.
91 pages.
2020-10-01--donation arrangement--pre-authorized debit.
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you know you're a jehovah's witness when.... being offered a scholarship to a good university is considered a bad thing.. when you see a house you like you claim it for after your god kills the owner.. you recieve spiritual guidence from a bus driver and a window washer.. you're engaged to a person you only met 3 months ago.. your widowed mother is marrying a man she met at the convention who she's known for 2 weeks.. there's jehovah's witnesses meeting in your house on a saturday morning to talk about going out knocking on doors on a saturday morning.. a lie in on a weekend happens about twice a year.. you dont talk to your own parents/children because they have a different opinion about a magazine.. you're not quite sure what you're supposed to believe anymore.. when someone criticizes your a magazine you feel like you're being attacked.. your 3yo son owns a suit.. if you're not married by the age of 30 you're considered to be gay or something wrong with you.. (for girls) if you havent married the first or second person you've dated you're considered promiscuous or something wrong with you.. you get your scientific knowledge from a magazine written by people who've never been to college and have never actually read the source they claim to be citing.. you get excited if there's a storm or natural disaster.. you get excited when there's a terrorist attack.. you get excited when there's a pandemic.. your version of tinder is the lunch break at a convention.. your girlfriend dresses like her grandmother.. your grandparents, despite being in the same religion as you, died believing totally a different belief system..
You know you're a JW if:
You are a young man and you are given the 3rd degree for first car only having Two doors.
this is a brilliant new song by grant davis who did the trolley/whiskey song with kevin mcfree.. it is called physically in menatlly out..
Priceless work.
so get this, wt has something they're calling a "jw box" that gives people in africa "spiritual food".
the best part, they want donations of $75 for it!
so they don't provide any physical food to people in africa but they can send them "spiritual food" for $75.
Amazon add says - discontinued by the manufacturer - they probably bought remaining stock for pittance!
tomorrow is the anniversary of 9/11/2001.
i hope we never forget what happened that fateful day and learn from what happened.❤️.
tomorrow is the anniversary of 9/11/2001.
i hope we never forget what happened that fateful day and learn from what happened.❤️.
Resolute please expound
...the motivations of the people that did this. We know that the perpetrators were all muslim, we know that one even packed his wedding suit in his luggage for when he gets to meet his 72 virgins. The conversation that should have been had was did these people do this despite their religion or because of their religion? The answers can all be found in the quran and other muslim texts. For anybody with doubts, even the date is very significant, Sept 11 was the date of the "high water mark" of the second great jihad into Europe, Sept 11 1683, the day the muslims were finally defeated at the siege of Vienna. OBL chose this date to send the message that "we are back".
We learned from Christianity that no man has greater love than he who surrenders his live on behalf of another, Islam is the polar opposite. Surrendering you life to kill unbelievers is the ultimate act of redemption - not just for yourself but you get to nominate your friends for salvation also!
I can't find the reference just now but mohamad was approached by one of his fighters and asked, "tell me of another deed equal in reward to jihad" Moh answered - "there is no other deed equal in reward to jihad".
"Allahu Akbar!" - The last words from the cockpit of Flight 93.
tomorrow is the anniversary of 9/11/2001.
i hope we never forget what happened that fateful day and learn from what happened.❤️.
Still no open and honest investigation of the motivations of the people that did this.
w88 4/1 pp.
15-20. christendom exposed as the promoter of false worship.
7 now, in the age of television, we have tv preachers exploiting that medium with every kind of theatrical trick and psychological device to beguile the masses and empty the pockets of the flock.
It is too bad I can't send them buttons like I use to put in the contribution boxes at the KH. Or the fake checks.
Ha ha, that is a classic, I'm going to go to the hall again when we can, just to put washers in the contribution box.
i feel awful for her.
she was given permission to get a silly haircut and then the salon owner tattles on her.
yup, she was set up!!
Looks to me like a case of badly caught out narcissist claiming to be the victim.
I heard that are a few people in politics like this you know.
being raised a dub i never voted.
i’m not a republican or a democrat, not a liberal or a conservative.. i’m pretty middle of the road.
i want everyone to have a fair shake if possible in this life, but i definitely don’t believe in forced equality, that’s just not possible.
Here is an idea that we are not allowed to discuss, maybe, just maybe there are folk in Israel that are really clever and very good at manipulating others to do their bidding, fighting and dying etc.